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Article Marketing - 7 Top Benefits of Marketing Your Articles
Copyright Herman Drost

One of the most often asked questions from web site owners
is how to generate traffic to your web site. There are
hundreds of marketing methods but one of the most effective
methods is to write and distribute articles.

Benefits of article marketing

1. Attract visitors to your web site

Distributing your articles to online publishers, article
submission sites can instantly bring thousands of visitors
to your web site. For example, if you manage to get your
article accepted by a large ezine with half a million
subscribers you will experience a sudden increase in
subscribers or sales from your site.

2. Establish yourself as an expert in your field

It's not easy to trust people on the Net because you can't
see them or you may have been ripped off by some
fly-by-night schemer trying to make a quick sale. If people
find your articles contain valuable information that they
need, they will come to respect and trust your opinion. You
then establish yourself as an expert in your field.

3. Builds link popularity

Search engines, particularly Google, place importance on
the number of links that point to your site from other
sites or directories. If many sites link to yours it helps
boost your search engine rankings with the effect of
increasing traffic and thus gaining more sales or
subscribers from your site.

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4. Increases search engine rankings

When marketing your articles you are allowed to place a
resource box at the end of the article that contains a link
back to your site. If you have a high quality article that
is read and placed on thousands of sites you automatically
get thousands of links pointing back to your site which
will increase your search engine rankings.

It sometimes takes months for a new web site to get
spidered by the search engines. If you write and market
articles related to your web site content, you won't have
to wait for web site traffic. Instead you gain immediate
traffic plus you build content that will help boost your
rankings for the future.

5. Helps to pre-sell products

Visitors often don't want to be sold right away. They want
more information about the product before making a
decision. Writing an article about how your product will
solve their problem and pointing out all the benefits of
the product will allow the visitor to make an informed
decision. Your article will help place them in a better
position to buy your product.

6. Gain returning visitors to your web site

Your articles will remain in the search engines and on
other peoples' sites for years to come. They will produce a
constant stream of traffic so long as you write and submit
articles on a consistent basis. Your article may also be a
constant source of information for people searching the net
about your topic. They may link to it from their site to
keep it as a valuable resource for their visitors. 7. Free
traffic - article marketing only costs you the time to
write and distribute the article. If you don't have the
budget to run a pay per click campaign or purchase ezine
ads, write an article. Article marketing may be even a more
effective marketing strategy because the of the recurring
traffic it produces.


Be sure to include article marketing as one of the top
strategies for promoting your web site. It's a self
generating marketing machine that produces a constant flow
of visitors.

Herman Drost is a Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
and owner of
Web Site Design, Web Hosting, Web Site Promotion

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