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Best Free SEO Tool - Search It Review
Copyright Herman Drost

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of information
presented to you by Google when doing SEO (search engine
optimization) for your web site?

You can use a mixture of free SEO tools from the Web but
it takes a lot of time to gather all the information from these
resources and you may end up paralyzed by the number
and complexity of choices.

A free SEO tool called Search It can change
all that. It is the only ecommerce-related search tool that
you will ever need. It's not only a great tool for SEO
research but incorporates many other handy search tools you
can use to build, promote and analyze your site. You can
keep it open in the upper corner of your monitor
for 24 x 7 access for instant mining of information from
the Web.

Here is a breakdown of all the main
categories/subcategories that are included in Search It:

Where Are They?

Using the categories above you can research the best
keywords for your site using the free seo tools. These
include the Google Adwords Keyword Tool and the Yahoo
Keyword Selector Tool. You can also find related keywords
plus check out the competitiveness of your keywords by
finding competing sites.

Domain Names
Site Legalities

Use these categories to check domain name availability and
also to verify if someone has already trademarked that
domain name.

CTPM (content, traffic, pre-sell, monetize)
Reference Library for Content
Blog/RSS Search
Traffic Building and
PRE-selling Monetization

Research these categories to gather content, get traffic
and monetize your web site. The reference library and
Blog/RSS Search enables you to quickly find information
(i.e. articles) related to your business. The
traffic-building and pre-selling categories test the
effectiveness of your competitors sites by showing you how
much traffic they are getting. The monetization category
shows you what your keywords are worth i.e. how much site
owners are willing to pay for the keywords used in their

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Vital Statistics
Indexed Pages

These categories show how popular a site is
(i.e. how much traffic it gets), finds closely related
sites, how many web pages have been indexed by the search
engines and the number of backlinks your site contains
(i.e. incoming links).

Straight Up

These search categories will provide the current site
rankings for different search engines based on the keyword
you enter. You can also find if your site or search term
has been mentioned in any prominent forums or discussion
groups by clicking on the Forums/Discussions/Groups category.
The Images-Video-Sounds category allows you to quickly find
free images, video and sound files for your web site. This
is very useful when you are building your site or wish to
add content to it.

Local Business Competition
Specialty Hubs and Directories

Find out how many local businesses are on the Net related
to your business. It's quite possible there are not many
competing sites in your local area. If you want to get high
quality incoming links to your site use the Specialty Hubs
and Directories category. It will find specialized search
engines and directories related to your site's subject

How to use Search It

1. Visit Search It
2. Click on the "Search It" (you may have to hold down the
Control (Ctrl) key on your keyboard if you have a pop-up
3. Select a Search Category
4. Select a Search Type (click on "click for information"
in Step 2 for more information about the search type
you selected and what to enter in your next step)
5. Enter a search term and click the "Search It" button.

You will be presented with a short tutorial about that
search type, and the exact search results you were
expecting. When you have finished examining the results,
close that window.

You can repeat the above procedure if you want to continue
your research.


Click on the Help Link (top right) to familiarize yourself
with how Search It works. There is some excellent advice
laid out in there.

Keep this powerful little Search It! window open by placing
it in the upper corner of your monitor so you can access it
whenever it's needed. It saves you tons of time because you
now have all the search tools in one place.

Search It

Herman Drost is a Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
and owner of
Web Site Design, Web Hosting, Web Site Promotion

Author of “Marketing Tips” newsletter.
To subscribe, enter your information at:    (240) 334-3271

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