How to immediately drive thousands of NEW visitors to your web site

Web Site Traffic"
How to generate a continuous flow of NEW visitors to your website.....without spending a dime!
Dear Friend,
Don't waste your time researching the Net for strategies on how to promote your web site.
I've done all the research for you over the last few years and tested most of the techniques in this NEW ebook to see what works.
You can now have them at your fingertips.
So when looking for a new marketing strategy, just turn to this ebook as your handy reference manual.
You will be pleased you did!
Martha Stevens
I have just finished using your marvelous ebook, and am amazed how much it has helped me to create a web presence, to have the pleasure of "seeing my name up in lights" at every search engine I encounter, and to fully realize my potential.
Applying your principles has turned a trickle of viewers (10/12 per day) into a current 97 per day, and rising every day.
I heartily suggest you follow my example and try out his formula, but only if you are prepared to work hard at something, and have a little patience.
Malcolm Pugh (England)
- people who have finished building their web site and need instant traffic.
- people who get a trickle of traffic, but need a boost of visitors.
- people who need a continuous stream of visitors to their website.
to develop your marketing plan
Without a plan, how will you know which direction to go in your marketing
approach? Where to place your money? With so many "gurus"
on the Internet you can easily lose your focus and get derailed on your
way to wealth, unless you have a business plan to guide you. It's your
map, and it makes the difference between making it to the top, always
struggling, or going broke.
How to drive targeted visitors to your web site
Spent lots of money on advertising and gotten poor results? Even though thousands of people visited you site? Are you hitting the right market? Does your advertising "speak" to your perfect customer? Do you know your perfect customer's profile? Learning how to target people who fit that profile, and then getting them to buy is fairly easy because they already want your product.
How to optimize your website for the search engines
Important key words placed strategically throughout your web pages greatly improves your rankings in the search engines. Your site will get a poor ranking if you leave them out. This chapter will give you the know-how you need to get a top ranking with the major search engines.
How to analyze your website traffic
Which ad is paying off? Which one is not. Sears spends millions on advertising every year. "We know that half of that money is wasted," said the CEO, "so we could probably cut our expense in half, but the problem is, we don't know which half!" To be a successful business on the Internet you must learn how analyze your stats! But don't waste your time, I will show you the best way to do it to get the results you want.
Link Popularity -- What is that?
When search engines rank your site they place great importance on how many websites are linking to yours. If those websites happen to be highly ranked, it's an extra boost for you in the rankings. Not only that, but every website linking to you is like a free salesman. It sends you traffic you didn't have to work for or advertise to. It's all FREE traffic. You'll be saying, "Gimme more!" This chapter shows you how to get those valuable links.
Successful strategies for email marketing
It's quick, free, easy, and inexpensive! A great way to build your business. Everyone who surfs the Internet has an email address. It is the most used form of marketing on the net. still need advertising savvy.
How to create a traffic virus
Like a flu virus it starts small, but very quickly it's everywhere! Wouldn't you like to spread your message across the Internet the same way? You can...using my down to earth, practical information on how to start a virus with very little effort. You will reap a great harvest, but it takes know-how. Get it here.
How to make the best use of off-line promotion
Often web site owners rely just on promoting their web site online. Well, there are still many folks who don't spend all their time in front of a computer screen. You need to get their attention also.
How to track, monitor and test your ads
Tracking, monitoring and testing your ads is an absolute necessity, and you can waste a lot of time in the process. I will show you what software to use and how to attain measurable results for maximum return on your investment.

I created "101 highly effective strategies to promote your web site" because I was facing the same promotion problems as you. For the last few years I researched and tried many promotion strategies. Some worked and some did not.
This ebook will give you the methods that worked.
I have written many articles over the years on the topics of web site marketing, design and hosting, and passed it on to subscribers in my
"Marketing Tips Newsletter".
Here are a few of the ezines that have published my articles:
National Business Association
Here are some articles that have been optimized for the search engines, and rank within the top ten sites in (since I last checked):
How to Create Your Web Site Marketing Plan
(No 1/25,000,000 for 'web site promotion strategies')
How to Create a Simple Business Plan
(No 1/56,000,000 for 'simple business plan')
How to create html email
(No. 3/131,000,000 for 'create html email')
How to use keywords to optimize your site for search engines
(No. 1/261,000,000 for 'how to use keywords')
How to successfully market with safelists
(No. 2/160,000 for 'market with safelists')
Here's a few web sites I optimized for high search engine rankings in Google:
(No. 4/68,000,000 for 'web site design maryland')
(No. 1/840,000 for 'omelette chef')
(No.5/5,010,000 in Yahoo for 'critical incident stress management')
I regularly design, host and promote affordable web sites for small businesses (see my portfolio of web sites).
The 101 strategies offered to you in this ebook will save you countless hours of time, researching, implementing and testing to see if these strategies work.
It will be your continuous resource for new strategies you can implement when you get stuck for new Internet marketing ideas. Simply choose one strategy or several at the same time, depending on how much time you have and go with it.
Many of the strategies covered in this ebook won't cost you a penny, but will take time to execute. Once you have found a strategy that works well for you and makes money, begin investing money into paid methods of promotion (remember "it takes money to make money").
New marketing strategies are being introduced all the time. It's hard to keep up with them in this fast paced and rapidly changing online environment.
My commitment to you is to pass on updates of these new strategies with the purchase of your NEW ebook. This will help you avoid wasting time, researching, trying, and testing them yourself. You can then incorporate these strategies immediately into your own marketing plan.
Get a free report on how to:
Discover the embarrassingly simple mistake that landed my affiliate link page at the top of the world's #1 search engine ... Absolutely Free!
I have also included 2 great Internet Marketing ebooks that will boost your promotional efforts. These were both written by Internet Marketing experts and contain hundreds of pages that will supplement and vastly expand on some of the strategies in this ebook.

"Discover the embarrassingly simple mistake that landed my affiliate link page at the top of the world's #1 search engine ... Absolutely Free!"
Million Dollar Emails

How to Create Powerful, Money-Making Emails to sell any product or service...100% Guaranteed.
The greatest collection of money making emails ever.
Autoresponder Magic

Stop struggling to write your own autoresponders. Now, you can get an entire collection of winning autoresponder sequences for you to model, copy and swipe.
Autoresponder Secrets from the Internet's Top Guns
The Ultimate collection of winning autoresponder messages
I am offering you this time saving ebook and all the bonuses for only $27.00.
This entitles you to free updates for one year.....NEW website promotion strategies you can immmediately add to your Internet Marketing arsenal.
You may pay by Credit Card or use Paypal
My GuaranteeIf for any reason you are not satisfied with this ebook with it's bonuses and updates, I will offer you a 90 day money-back guarantee. This guarantee will also include your free updates of new and/or improved strategies for one year.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Warm Regards,
Herman Drost
P.S. Implementing the strategies in this ebook will immediately turn your web site into a profitable business, so don't delay another day!
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