What are RSS
Feeds and
Why You Need a RSS Reader ( RSS Aggregator )
Herman Drost
An RSS feed is created in a non-HTML format called XML.
RSS readers
aggregators can interpret and display that
coding, but Web
browsers can't. Soon, RSS/XML readers
will be part of
browser and e-mail software. But for now,
you need a separate reader.
You use an RSS reader to bring new,
constantly updated
material to you, from all your favorite
sites. There is no need
to check whether a site has
RSS feeds bring automatically updated information straight
to your desktop. You can monitor news, job listings,
personals, and classifieds. Thousands of sites now offer
feeds, which you can identify by a small orange button
says either RSS or XML. However, if you click one of these
links, you will most likely get a page full of code in
browser. To properly read the feed, you need an RSS
Content published in an RSS feed is typically set up to
send out notifications whenever new material is available.
This makes the new content immediately available to feed
readers and RSS search engines. Contrast this with
web pages, which are essentially passive and generally
aren't accessible to most of us until search engine
crawlers find and index them. Once indexed, these pages
stand relatively little chance of being read by web
searchers on a frequent basis.
Instead of opening your Web browser when you sit down at
the computer, you open your news feed reader, usually a 2-
or 3 paned window that allows you to see at a glance which
sites have added content, and to scan clickable headlines
and summaries of that content. Imagine looking at update
info on 10-20 sites at a single glance, and never waiting
for a single page to load!
RSS Tools You Need
Here is a collection of some of the most popular
newsreaders for reading article feeds, news etc
Newsreaders | Aggregators
Win users
1. RssReader -
It's free!
3. Other RSS
Readers - if you want to try several before
The most important point about RSS newsreaders is that
should be fast and simple to download, install, and start
adding feeds. If it's not, find one that does.
Mac users
has a free trial and is the best of a smaller selection.
5. My Yahoo
6. MSN
How to Get Started With RSS
Simply right-click on the orange RSS button (control-click
for Mac users) for each feed that interests you.
Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac;
"Copy Link Location" if you use Firefox browser) then
that URL into your RSS Reader.

And that's it! You're subscribed.
(If you prefer, click on the My Yahoo! or My MSN buttons
add each feed to "Your" Yahoo! or MSN.)
Now you have the ability to quickly scan the sites that
interest you without being bombarded by unwanted email
Read Part 3 of this article:
How to Create an RSS Feed for Your
Web Site
For the
best and most comprehensive guide on RSS
for Marketers grab a copy
Unleash the Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS "
Herman Drost is a Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
and owner of iSiteBuild.com
Web Site Design, Web
Hosting, Web Site Promotion
Related Articles
What is
RSS and Its Benefits
What are RSS Feeds and
Why You Need an RSS Reader
How to Create an RSS Feed for Your
Web Site
How to Syndicate Your RSS
Tips Newsletter
Click Here to Grab a Copy of:
Unleash the Marketing and Publishing Power of RSS "
Plans from $30/Year